This is where MedSurg Equipment talks about stuff related to our industry!

5 Medical Equipment Care and Maintenance Tips

by | Sunday, March 27, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

There's just no getting around the fact that medical equipment is expensive. Even if you manage to find gently used equipment that is in good condition and current enough to benefit your practice, you'll probably still shell out some dough for it. So you want to make sure it lasts as long as possible. This requires you to practice proper care and maintenance, especially for the equipment you tend to use day in and day out. You need it to work properly so that you can offer your patients the...

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What to Consider When Purchasing Preowned Medical Equipment

by | Friday, March 18, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Whether you decide to open your own medical practice or you work in a hospital or clinical setting, you will quickly come to discover that there is a large market for preowned medical equipment. When you see the price tag for brand new equipment you'll understand why.Medical equipment is necessary for any practice. Even if your small practice needs little more than basics like blood pressure cuffs, electronic thermometers, and some emergency equipment, buying new could still end up costing a...

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Why You Need the Best Quality Equipment in Your Hospital

by | Thursday, March 3, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Hospital administration is nothing if not a juggling act. It involves nearly everything that goes into ensuring a hospital facility is able to provide the healthcare services a community needs.This means understanding the needs of patients, maintaining appropriate staffing, balancing spending (and perhaps even securing funding), and purchasing and maintaining equipment and other supplies.With both long-term planning and daily operations to contend with, it's only natural that certain things...

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Consultation on Choosing Your Medical Equipment

by | Friday, February 19, 2016 | 0 comment(s)

Whether you're a doctor running a private practice or you're a hospital administrator looking to outfit a large medical facility with specialized units, you're going to be tasked with selecting appropriate medical equipment for your facility. This can be an expensive, challenging, and frustrating process if you don't know what to look for.It's important to find a reputable, reliable, and affordable medical equipment provider, as well as make informed decisions about what to purchase. Here are a...

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